美丽的星空晚上,我和爸爸一起在小路上散步。 我抬起头,望了望天。 啊,今晚的夜空真美丽啊! In the evening, my father and I were walking along the path. I looked up at the sky. Ah, what a beautiful night sky tonight! 北面的天空中,我看到了美丽的北斗七星,我想起了“智取生辰冈”的七兄弟。 也许七星中较大较亮的就是大哥晁天遥吧。 In the northern sky, I saw the beautiful big dipper seven stars, and I thought of the seven brothers of "wisdom of the birth hill". Perhaps the biggest and brightest of the seven stars is brother Chao Tianwang. 在夜空中,我还看到了长长的“河”,那就是银河。 河里那一闪一闪的,可能就是小鱼吧。 河两岸有两颗较亮的星,也许那就是传说中的牛郎星和织女星吧。 In the night sky, I also saw a long "River", that is the Milky way. The flash in the river may be small fish. There are two brightest stars on both sides of the river. Maybe they are the legendary Altair and Vega. 看着这美丽的星空,我不禁唱起了:“一闪一闪亮晶晶,满天都是小星星……”Looking at the beautiful starry sky, I couldn't help singing: "Twinkle, twinkle and crystal, the sky is full of little stars. . . "