讲卫生的的孩子爷爷说——Grandpa said——不要把小手塞进嘴里,Don't put your little hands in your mouth,因为小手不干净。 Because the hands are not clean. 奶奶说——Grandma said——睡觉前起遥后要刷牙,Brush your teeth before you go to bed,因为不刷会出现蛀牙。 Because if you don't brush, you will get cavities. 爸爸说——Dad said——红遥巾脏了要自己洗,If the red scarf is dirty, wash it by yourself,因为脏了就不鲜艳了。 It's not bright because it's dirty. 妈妈说——Mom said——饭前便后要洗手,Wash your hands before and after eating,因为手上有细菌。 Because there are bacteria on your hands. 我说——I say -好好好,Good, good. 我记住了,I remember,我要做一个讲卫生的好孩子。 I want to be a good hygiene child.