快乐元旦节“喂,喂,喂……小武? 我是杨淇。 ”"Hello, Hello, hello Xiao Wu? I'm Yang Qi. "“对,是我。 ”"Yes, it's me. "“元旦快乐! ”"Happy New Year's Day! "“你也元旦快乐! ”"Happy New Year's day, too! "“请你到我家来玩儿,好吗? ”"Would you please come to my house and play? "“好,我马上就来。 ”"Well, I'll be right there. "我高兴地挂断了电话,坐在沙发上等小武。 I happily hung up the phone and sat on the sofa waiting for Xiaowu. 1分钟,2分钟,3分钟……One minute, two minutes, three minutes“砰砰砰……”一定是小武来了。 我兴奋地打开门。 “哇,真的是小武,你还带着小毅! ”"Bang bang bang. . . . . . " It must be Xiaowu. I opened the door excitedly. "Wow, it's Xiaowu. You still have Xiaoyi! "我们一个拿了一件“兵器”冲向院子。 One of us took a "weapon" and rushed to the yard. 看,我们玩得多开心啊! 我们一会儿玩儿“三英战吕布”,一会儿玩儿“智取生辰冈”,一会儿玩“三打白骨精”,一会儿玩儿“奥特曼”……可把我们玩儿美了。 Look, how happy we are! Let's play "three English battles against Lubu", one "wisdom of birth hill", one "three strikes of bone white spirit", one "Ultraman" But it's good for us to play. 真是一个快乐的元旦节。 It's really a happy New Year's day.