学习切年糕遥中午,妈妈买了两条年糕,我想切年糕,妈妈同意了。 我先让妈妈把年糕和刀洗干净,我就开始切了。 This noon, my mother bought two rice cakes, I want to cut rice cakes, my mother agreed. I asked my mother to wash the rice cake and knife first, and I began to cut. 我一只手拿着刀,另一只手按着年糕。 一下一下慢慢地切着,可是着年糕太粘了,害的我费了九牛二虎之力才切下一小块。 就像它的名字一样,年(粘)糕。 I have a knife in one hand and a rice cake in the other. Slowly cut it for a while, but the rice cake is too sticky. It took me nine cows and two tigers to cut a small piece. Like its name, niangao. 于是,我决定换一种方法。 我的左手拿着刀上面的一块地方,右手拿着刀柄,一下一下地切着,果然,我可以切的稍微轻松一点了。 So I decided to change it. My left hand is holding a place on the top of the knife, and my right hand is holding the handle of the knife. I cut it once and for all. Sure enough, I can cut it a little easier. 切较后剩下的一块年糕是较难的。 因为较后一块较“胖”了,如果切的话,会切到手,很危险。 于是我的左右手都尽量不碰到剩下的较后一块年糕。 可是这样的话,较后的年糕就会切的要么一块“胖”一块“瘦”的,要么一块大一块小的,一点都不均匀。 可是为了手不被刀切到,只好这样了。 我切啊切……,终于,我把年糕切好了。 Cutting the last piece of rice cake is the hardest. Because the last piece is the fattest. If you cut it, you will cut your hand. It's very dangerous. So my left and right hands try not to touch the last piece of rice cake. But in this way, the final rice cake will be cut into "fat" and "thin" pieces, or large and small pieces, which are not even at all. But in order not to be cut by the knife, we have to do so. I cut, I cut Finally, I cut the rice cake. 看着这些切好了的年糕整整齐齐的放在桌子上,我心里乐开了花。 Looking at these cut rice cakes neatly placed on the table, my heart was happy.