这里真美丽这里的景遥真美丽,只见那湖水清澈见底,像一面面镜子,映出了天空中飞行的小鸟和一些青山绿树。 还有一些休闲的人们静静地坐在遥块上钓着鱼儿。 The scenery here is so beautiful. The lake is clear, like a mirror, reflecting the birds flying in the sky and some green trees. There are also some leisure people sitting quietly on the rocks and fishing for fish. 这儿的天空瓦蓝瓦蓝的,就好像被一个人涂上了蓝蓝的油漆一样,显得格外的美丽。 The sky here is blue and tile blue, just like being painted with blue and blue paint by a person, it looks particularly beautiful. 山坡上、草地里一些野菊花开得五彩缤纷。 还有一朵朵小小的蒲公英,我摘下一朵轻轻一吹,它就慢慢地飘散开来,然后像是下雪一样飘落在了草丛里。 一株株狗尾巴草就像我的眉毛一样弯弯的,可爱遥了! On the hillside and in the grass, some wild chrysanthemums are blooming brightly. There is also a small dandelion, I picked a gently blow, it will slowly drift away, and then like snow falling in the grass. A plant of Dogtail grass is as curved as my eyebrows. It's so cute! 阳光照在我的身上暖洋洋的,阵阵微风徐徐地吹拂着,我尽量呼吸着这里的新鲜空气,不知疲倦地在草地上来回奔跑,感觉无比的欢畅。 The sun is shining on me, and the breeze is blowing slowly. I try to breathe the fresh air here, and run back and forth on the grass tirelessly, feeling extremely happy. 欣赏着这儿的美景,我不由地赞叹:大自然啊,你真美丽! I can't help admiring the beautiful scenery here: nature, you are so beautiful!