买玩具星期天,妈妈带我去新玛特买玩具。 新玛特可真热闹! 一楼是卖体育用品的,二楼是卖家电的,三楼是卖服装的,四楼是卖玩具的。 On Sunday, my mother took me to New Mart to buy toys. What a bustling New Mart! The first floor is for sports goods, the second floor for electricity, the third floor for clothing and the fourth floor for toys. 妈妈先带我去四楼买玩具。 那里的玩具我很喜欢,有遥控车、赛车、变心金刚……真是应有尽有。 我想买个赛车。 它的名字叫“雷速登”它的颜遥有白、黑、遥三种。 用遥控器指挥它,它能向前跑,还可以往后退,它还能骠骑。 我选了个黑颜遥的。 接着我和妈妈又去买了衣服。 Mom first took me to the fourth floor to buy toys. I like the toys there, such as remote control car, racing car, transformer It's everything. I want to buy a racing car. Its name is "leisten". Its colors are white, black and yellow. Command it with the remote control, it can run forward, it can back, it can also Hussars. I chose a black one. Then my mother and I went to buy clothes. 买完了东西,我和妈妈高兴地回家了。 After shopping, my mother and I went home happily.