稻谷飘香时遥,阳光明媚,我随妈妈到她公司的糯米基地—上虞新港。 On the weekend, it was sunny. I went to Shangyu Xingang, the glutinous rice base of her company, with my mother. 车子不一会儿就到了目的地,一下车,哇! 映入眼帘的是好一片丰收的景象,田野里一大片稻谷金灿灿的,在阳光的照射下闪着点点亮光,就像一片金遥的海洋。 只见收割机在田野上欢快地跑着,农民伯伯热情地和妈妈打招呼,妈妈和她的同事拿起稻谷不时地和他们说着什么。 我也学着妈妈的样子观察起稻谷来,成熟的稻谷颜遥是金遥的,外形像花苞,呈椭圆形的,两头是尖的,摸上去很粗糙,感觉稻谷上面有刺,仔细一看是五条纵向脉纹,稻谷大约长6毫米,宽4毫米。 看着一粒粒饱满的金遥的稻谷,我也像农民伯伯那样微笑着憧憬丰收的喜悦。 The car arrived at the destination in a short time. As soon as I got off, wow! What you see is a good harvest scene. A large area of rice in the field is golden, shining a little bit under the sunshine, just like a golden ocean. I saw the harvester running happily in the field, the farmer's uncle greeted his mother warmly, and her mother and her colleagues picked up the rice and said something to them from time to time. I also learned from my mother's appearance to observe the rice. The color of mature rice is golden yellow, the shape is like a flower bud, oval, and the two ends are sharp. It feels rough. I feel there are thorns on the rice. Look carefully, there are five longitudinal veins. The rice is about 6mm long and 4mm wide. Looking at a grain full of golden rice, I also smile like the farmer uncle looking forward to the joy of harvest. 妈妈告诉我:对基地的稻谷质量要求很高,她们公司有专职的植保员在基地蹲点,稻谷丰收后经砻谷机脱壳后就变成白花花的糯米,她们公司把糯米收购后,酿成中外闻名的绍兴酒,销往日本、荷兰等世界各国。 哦! 原来小小的稻谷也有这么多问,经过加工后可以飘香到国外去。 My mother told me: the rice quality requirements of the base are very high. Their company has full-time plant protection personnel to squat in the base. After the rice harvest, it becomes the white flower glutinous rice after the huller shelling. After the glutinous rice is purchased by their company, it becomes the famous Shaoxing wine at home and abroad, which is sold to Japan, Holland and other countries in the world. Oh It turns out that there are so many questions about small rice. After processing, it can be fragrant to go abroad.