合作的力量遥,我和叔叔遥拔河。 可是,比了几次,我都输了。 这时,我看见几个小朋友过来了,这下子好办了。 Today, my uncle and I competed in tug of war. However, several times, I lost. At this time, I saw a few children coming, which was easy to do. 我就和几个小朋友联合起来,和叔叔拔河。 “一二,加油! 一二,加油! ”我们几个使了好大的力气,才拔过叔叔。 I joined up with a few children to tug of war with my uncle. "One or two, come on! One or two, come on! " We several made great efforts to pull out our uncle. 我们几个高兴遥了,异口同声地大喊:“合作,是你给了我们力量。 ”Several of us were very happy and shouted with one voice: "cooperation, you have given us strength. "