金秋赏菊断断续续下了一个星期的雨,遥我们终于又看到了久违的太阳公公。 天气风和日丽,我们一家人来到绿荫广场看菊展。 It rained intermittently for a week. Today, we finally saw the sun father-in-law who had been absent for a long time. The weather is sunny, our family came to the green square to see the chrysanthemum show. 一进广场,满目秋菊,遥的放着金光;红的胜似火焰;白的像雪般晶莹;粉的如流霞绚烂。 广场上、墙角下、小径旁,尽是傲然怒放的秋菊。 谁说万紫千红只出遥春天? 看,绿荫广场的秋景遥是如此的绚丽壮美! 有的菊花花瓣是一条一条的,中间的花瓣向里卷着舒展,略微弯曲,又有些下垂,好似金遥的瀑布倾泻而下。 有的菊花花冠细长而弯曲,白细腻的花瓣上短而下长,上部的花瓣如同无数的小手伸出,下部的花瓣像蛟龙的利爪一样钢劲有力。 还有一些小野花一朵朵挨着一朵朵地遥着,鲜亮鲜亮的,好象一匹宽幅的刺绣锦缎。 较吸引我的还要算地球家园这个用很多秋菊做成的景观。 因为它代表着全世界的遥都住在同一个地球家园,看着看着我便情不自禁地想到:我们大家都应该去保护地球,去爱护地球上的花花草草,做一个文明的人。 What attracts me most is the earth home, a landscape made of many autumn chrysanthemums. Because it represents that people all over the world live in the same earth home. Looking at me, I can't help thinking: we should all protect the earth, love the flowers and plants on the earth, and be a civilized person.