看图钓鱼星期天小刚写完作业后,就去河边钓鱼了 。 他来到小河边看到清澈的河水,小鱼在水里遥自在地游来游去,小刚自言自语地说这下一定能掉好多的鱼,这下可要发大财了呀。 When he came to the river, he saw the clear water. The fish swam freely in the water. Xiaogang said to himself that he would lose a lot of fish. He would make a big fortune. 于是他就挂上鱼饵开始钓鱼了。 So he baited and began to fish. 小鱼很狡猾都不来吃食,可是小刚还是耐心的等待,虽然被太阳晒得满头大汗,小鱼玩的又累又饿了,其中一条大鱼发现了食物,它就飞快的冲向鱼饵。 只听啊,中计了呀,可它怎么挣扎都晚了。 The little fish is very cunning and doesn't come to eat, but Xiaogang is patient. Although he is sweated by the sun, he is tired and hungry. One of the big fish finds the food, and he rushes to the bait. Just listen, it's a trick, but it's too late to struggle. 小刚钓上了鱼,他高兴万分,太阳公公来祝贺,小花小草也来鞠躬祝贺了。 Xiaogang catches a fish. He is very happy. Gonggong sun comes to congratulate him, and Xiaohua and Xiaocao bow to congratulate him.