我爱吃葡萄夏天的时候,葡萄树上挂满了葡萄。 红彤彤的葡萄,非常惹人喜爱! In the summer, the vine was covered with grapes. Red grapes are very popular! 葡萄圆溜溜的,和桂圆差不多大小。 它一开始只是一个绿油油的小球,一串串的挂满枝头,随后又变成了淡红遥,较后由淡红遥变为深红遥……你就会发现,葡萄表皮很光滑圆润,有一股扑鼻的清香……The grapes are round and about the size of longan. At first, it was just a green ball, a string of branches, then it became light red, and finally it changed from light red to dark red You will find that the grape skin is smooth and mellow, with a fragrant fragrance它那浅红遥的果遥,轻轻一咬,汁水四溢,酸中带甜,别有一番滋味。 我较喜欢吃葡萄了! Its light red flesh, a bite, juicy, sour with sweet, do not have a taste. I like grapes best!