我的研究报告放学了,我一出校门就高兴地对爸爸说:“爸爸,快带我去图书馆,我要做研究了”! After school, as soon as I left school, I was happy to say to my father, "Dad, take me to the library, I want to do research"! “做研究? ”爸爸好奇地问"Do research? " Asked Dad curiously“是啊,遥老师给我们看了童话世界的录象,请我们每人选一位童话遥做一个小小的研究。 我准备研究一休,写一份世上较棒的儿童研究报告。 快,带我去找资料吧! ”"Yes, today the teacher showed us the video of the fairy tale world, and asked each of us to choose a fairy tale character to do a little research. I'm going to take a break and write one of the best children's studies in the world. Come on, take me to the information! "我拉着爸爸去了图书馆,借了两本有关一休的书,又拉着爸爸去了新华书店。 我左挑右选,买了本《童话世界》。 I took my father to the library, borrowed two books about a rest, and took him to Xinhua bookstore. I chose from left to right and bought a fairy tale world. 回到家,我一头钻进了小房间,认真地看起书来,一边看一边写着,画着……Back home, I head into the small room, carefully read the book, while reading while writing, painting一个星期后,我的研究报告完成了。 封面上写着几个醒目的大字:安国寺机灵小和尚-一休。 中间一行小字:二(2)班骆怡昀。 封面的背景是一休在动脑筋。 报告中介绍了一休春天要去化缘,如果不去化缘冬天就没有东西吃了。 在一休去化缘的村子里住着七八十户人家,他们相亲相爱地生活着,还配了一幅好插图……A week later, my research report was finished. On the cover are some striking words: the clever little monk of Anguo temple - a rest. The middle line is small: Class 2 Luo Yiyun. The background of the cover is a brain teaser. In the report, it is introduced that we should go to the chemical fate in the spring break. If we don't go to the chemical fate, we will have nothing to eat in winter. There are 70 or 80 families living in the village of Yixiu to Huayuan. They live in love with each other and have a good illustration我非常自豪地对爸爸说“爸爸,再过两天,我就可以在班上宣读我的研究报告了! ”I am very proud to say to my father, "Dad, in two days, I will be able to read out my research report in class! "