


2020-07-14 00:00:00浏览:
假如我有一支马良的神笔假如我有一支马良的神笔,我要给不幸的孤儿画爸爸、妈妈,让他们再也不会遥自一人,孤苦伶仃的生活,而是和爸爸、妈妈一起在温暖的家里,一起无忧无虑的生活,一起快乐地游戏;If I have a magic pen of Ma Liang, I will draw my father and mother to the unfortunate orphans, so that they will no longer live alone and alone, but together with my father and mother in a warm home, together with a carefree life, together with a happy game;假如我有一支马良的神笔,我一定给可爱的大熊猫画许多好吃的竹笋,让它们再也不会饿着肚子。
而是吃着美味的竹笋,笑眯眯地和我们打招呼;If I have a magic pen made by Ma Liang, I will draw many delicious bamboo shoots for the lovely giant panda so that they will never be hungry again.
But eating delicious bamboo shoots, smiling to say hello to us;假如我有一支马良的神笔,我要给小鱼画一条清澈的小溪,让它们再也不用呆在被污染的河流里唉声叹气,而是和小伙伴一起遥自在的在小溪里游来游去;If I have a magic pen of Ma Liang, I will draw a clear stream for the little fish, so that they can no longer stay in the polluted river and sigh, but swim freely in the stream together with the little friends;假如我有一支马良的神笔……If I had a magic pen of Ma Liang