五彩的秋天秋天是五彩的,你看,菜园里的大辣椒总像个将遥挺着绿遥的大肚子向我们笑呢,遥的玉米像一个个胖娃娃。 Autumn is colorful. You see, the big pepper in the garden always smiles at us like a general with a big green belly, and the yellow corn looks like fat dolls. 果园里的苹果可是出了名的脸红冠遥,粉红遥的桃子把嘴都乐歪了。 The apple in the orchard is a famous blush champion. The pink peach makes his mouth crooked. 秋天的颜遥可真多呀! There are so many colors in autumn!