妈妈真好遥,我走在上公园路上。 Today, I was on my way to the park. 忽然,呼呼呼,刮起大风来。 哗哗哗,路边的小树被风吹的东倒西歪的。 Suddenly, there was a strong wind. The trees on the side of the road were swayed by the wind. 我哆嗦着,自言自语地说:“好冷呀。 如果妈妈在身边,给我一件棉衣,那该多好啊。 可是,妈妈不在,这可怎么办呢? ”说完,我就紧紧裹住衣服。 I shivered and said to myself, "it's so cold. It would be nice if my mother could give me a cotton padded jacket. But what can I do if my mother is not here? " Then I wrapped my clothes tightly. 走呀走呀,妈妈来了,赶快下了自行车,给我穿了棉衣,说“小宝贝,冻坏了吧。 ”Let's go, let's go. Mom came, got off the bike, put on my cotton padded clothes, and said, "baby, it's freezing. "我一回头,这才发现妈妈把自己的棉衣脱了,给我穿上了。 我感动地说:“妈妈真好。 ”As soon as I looked back, I found that my mother took off her cotton padded clothes and put them on for me. I was moved and said, "mom is so nice. "