看图 参观猴园星期日天气晴朗,阳光明媚,老师带遥我们参观了猴园。 It was sunny on Sunday. The teacher showed us around the monkey garden. 到了猴园同学们迫不及待的冲向猴山,我们看见了许多小猴子在山上蹦来蹦去,山顶上的猴子正在津津有味的吃着苹果说真甜呀,还有一只小猴子依偎在妈妈怀里,妈妈正在给它挠痒痒,有只小猴子倒挂在树上说你们看我多厉害呀,要拜我为师么When we arrived at the monkey park, the students rushed to the monkey mountain. We saw many little monkeys jumping up and down the mountain. The monkeys on the top of the mountain were eating apples with relish. They said it was sweet. Another little monkey was nestling in her mother's arms. Her mother was tickling it. A little monkey hung upside down on the tree and said how powerful I am. Would you like to learn from me有只小猴把香蕉吃完把皮当帽子,他还以为很聪明呢, 还有一只小小猴听见了同学们在七嘴八舌的议论它们,它不好意思的脸红了。 该回家了,同学们依依不舍的离开了猴园。 It's time to go home, the students reluctantly left the monkey garden.