三只小兔吃苹果兔妈妈有三个可爱的宝宝,他们分别是小兔花花、贝贝和爱利。 Mother rabbit has three lovely babies. They are rabbit flower, Beibei and Ellie. 遥兔妈妈给兔宝宝们买了四个又大又红的苹果。 兔妈妈把四个苹果洗干净后就放到桌子上。 小兔花花和贝贝看见桌子上的苹果高兴遥了! 花花和贝贝同时抓住了桌子上那个较大的红苹果。 花花和贝贝遥着苹果又哭又闹互不相让。 Today, mother rabbit bought four big and red apples for her children. Mother rabbit washed four apples and put them on the table. Bunny and Beibei are so happy to see the apple on the table! Hua Hua and Bei Bei catch the biggest red apple on the table at the same time. Huahua and Beibei are crying and shouting at each other while grabbing the apple. 只有弟弟爱利默默地拿起了一个较小的苹果。 这时兔妈妈走过来说:“花花、贝贝,你们俩看看弟弟,他拿的是较小的苹果,你们要向弟弟学习才对呀! ”花花和贝贝不由地脸红了。 她们忙把大苹果递给了弟弟爱利。 Only my brother, Ellie, picked up the smallest apple in silence. At this time, the mother rabbit came over and said, "Huahua, Beibei, look at your brother. He takes the smallest apple. You need to learn from your brother! " Huahua and Beibei blushed. They hurriedly handed the big apple to their brother Ellie. 爱利笑着说:“我们一起吃吧”兔妈妈看到三个宝宝学会了分享,她开心地笑了。 Ellie smiled and said, "let's eat together. " mother rabbit saw that three babies learned to share, and she smiled happily.