难忘的元宵节一年一度的正月十五是遥历史上传统的节日——元宵节。 每到这一天,家家户户都要吃汤圆、赏花灯。 象征着团团圆圆、和和美美。 The annual 15th day of the first month is the traditional festival in Chinese history, the Lantern Festival. Every day, every family has to eat dumplings and flower lanterns. It symbolizes reunion, harmony and beauty. 2008年的元宵节是我较难忘的。 那天晚上,我和爷爷、奶奶以及爸爸、妈妈一起吃完香香甜甜的汤圆以后就到中山公园里欣赏花灯。 The Lantern Festival in 2008 is the most unforgettable. That night, my grandpa, grandma, dad and mom and I ate sweet dumplings and went to Zhongshan Park to enjoy the lanterns. 我们来到公园,只见公园里灯火辉煌,人山人海,热闹遥。 对着公园门口是一座由八条龙组成的巨型花灯,灯光闪烁,异常壮观。 在七星池里,一个美丽动人的莲花仙子高高地站在鲜艳的莲花上,好像在祝福人们健康长寿! 我还看到一个月亮造型的花灯,制作遥,吸引了许多人围在它的周围观赏。 一棵高大的树上挂满了蜜蜂、蝴蝶造型的花灯,微风一吹,飞来荡去,仿佛在告诉人们“春天来了,春天来了”。 还有许许多多制作遥,造型不同的漂亮花灯,吸引着人们竞相拍照,留下一张张遥的纪念。 When we came to the park, we saw that the lights were brilliant and the people were busy. Facing the gate of the park is a giant lantern made up of eight dragons. The lights are flashing and spectacular. In the Seven Star pool, a beautiful lotus fairy stands high on the bright lotus, as if blessing people's health and longevity! I also saw a lantern in the shape of the moon, which was beautifully made and attracted many people to watch around it. A tall tree is covered with lanterns in the shape of bees and butterflies. When the breeze blows, it seems to tell people that "spring is coming, spring is coming". There are many beautiful lanterns with different shapes, which attract people to take photos and leave a permanent memorial. 多么令人难忘的2008年元宵节,多么幸福的夜晚。 走在回家的路上,我不禁抬头望去,只见一轮明月高高地挂在天空,是那么的透亮,我仿佛看到了嫦娥仙子抱着她心爱的玉兔正津津有味地欣赏着人间这热闹的元宵之夜。 What an unforgettable 2008 Lantern Festival, what a happy night. On the way home, I couldn't help looking up. I saw a bright moon hanging high in the sky. It was so bright. I saw Chang'e fairy holding her beloved rabbit enjoying the lively lantern night on earth.