秋游千佛山遥,我和妈妈、大姑去千佛山玩了。 一进门,我们就看见有很多漂亮的花草树木,有兰遥的像蝴蝶一样的花,有红遥的喇叭花,有遥的像小星星一样的花,还有很多各种形状叶子的小草。 太美了! 于是,我们收集了很多,准备回去做标本。 Today, I went to Qianfo Mountain with my mother and aunt. As soon as we enter the door, we can see many beautiful flowers, plants and trees. There are blue flowers like butterflies, red trumpets, yellow flowers like little stars, and many grass with leaves of various shapes. It's beautiful! So, we collected a lot of them and prepared to go back to make specimens. 我们顺着正门的路,以较快的速度来到了游乐园,因为我早就想到这儿玩了。 我玩了碰碰车,我想尽一切办法和别人撞,很开心。 我们又玩了卡丁车,一圈又一圈,可神气了! 较后,我们去钓鱼,那里的鱼可狡猾了,可是,它们再狡猾也逃不出我的手掌心。 我的目标是十六条,我就钓呀钓呀,终于达到了目标,看了看别人都不如我的多,我很有成就感。 We followed the main road to the amusement park as soon as possible, because I wanted to play here for a long time. I played bumper car, I try my best to collide with others, very happy. We played the kart again. We went round and round again, but we were so excited! Finally, we went fishing, where the fish can be cunning, but they can't escape from the palm of my hand. My goal is sixteen. I'll fish and fish. I've finally reached my goal. Seeing that other people are not as good as me, I have a sense of achievement. 较后,我们高高兴兴的回家了。 Finally, we went home happily.