神奇的日全食你看到过“日全食”吗? 今年暑假我有幸目睹了“日全食”的壮丽景观,让我兴奋不已。 Have you ever seen a total solar eclipse? This summer vacation I have the honor to witness the magnificent landscape of "total solar eclipse", which makes me excited. 2008年8月1日,我和妈妈在步行街上闲逛。 突然,太阳好像被什么东西给挡住了,我抬起头向空中望,一眨眼工夫,天空变得像黑夜一样。 我急忙问妈妈“天怎么这么快就黑了呢? ”妈妈说:“可能要发生日食了”。 就这样一直持续了好几分钟后,天边才慢慢浮出了亮光,一会儿又变得晴空遥。 我想:“宇宙真是变幻莫测,月球挡住了太阳,真是太神奇了”。 小朋友,这个知识你们掌握了吗? On August 1, 2008, my mother and I strolled in the pedestrian street. Suddenly, the sun seems to be blocked by something. I look up into the air. In a blink of an eye, the sky becomes like night. I hurriedly asked my mother, "why is it getting dark so soon? " "There may be an eclipse," said the mother. It lasted for several minutes, and then the light came out slowly, and then it became clear again. I thought, "the universe is so unpredictable. The moon is blocking the sun. It's amazing. ". Children, do you have this knowledge?