0像什么,象征着什么语文课上,老师突然在黑板上画了一个“0”。 In Chinese class, the teacher suddenly drew a "0" on the blackboard. 搞得同学们莫名其妙的,就像丈二的和尚——摸不着头脑。 What makes the students confused is just like the monk of Zhang Er, who is confused. “大家看看,它像什么? 象征什么? ”老师有些神秘地说。 "Let's see what it looks like? What does it symbolize? " The teacher said mysteriously. “像八月十五的月亮,象征着团团圆圆。 ”"Like the moon on August 15, it symbolizes reunion. "“像太阳,象征着光明和温暖。 ”"Like the sun, it symbolizes light and warmth. "“像奥运五环中的一个,象征着奥运会。 ”"Like one of the five Olympic rings, it symbolizes the Olympic Games. "“像低,象征着一切从新开始。 “"Like zero, it means that everything starts from scratch. "……. . . 同学们争先恐后地举手,七嘴八舌地说。 The students rushed to raise their hands and talk. “同学们真聪明! ”老师开心地说。 "How clever the students are! " The teacher said happily.