丁丁是傻瓜数学课上,老师说:“在这次数学测验中,丁丁考了100分,冬冬考了98分,毛毛考了97分……”In math class, the teacher said, "in this math test, Ding Ding Ding scored 100 points, Dong Dong scored 98 points, Mao Mao scored 97 points. . . "同学们竖起了大拇指,说“一二三,丁丁真棒! ”The students thumbed up and said, "one, two, three, Ding Ding is wonderful! "卷子发下来了,同学们有的在欢呼,有的在哭鼻子,有的在噘着小嘴发呆……Some of the students were cheering, some were crying, some were puckering their lips突然,丁丁举起了手,说:“老师,我不是100分,我应该是99分。 ”Suddenly, Dingding raised his hand and said, "teacher, I am not 100, I should be 99. "大家听了,都特别吃惊,一个个看着丁丁。 Everyone was surprised to hear that and looked at Dingding one by one. 老师拿起了丁丁的卷子,发现了一道错题,就把丁丁的卷子改成了99分。 The teacher picked up Ding Ding's paper and found a mistake, so he changed Ding Ding's paper to 99 points. 冬冬说:“丁丁是个傻瓜。 ”Dongdong said, "Dingding is a fool. "毛毛说:“丁丁真傻。 ”Maomao said, "Dingding is stupid. "小朋友,冬冬和毛毛说的对不对呀? Children, is Dongdong and Maomao right?