捉迷藏遥,我邀请几个同学到家里玩捉迷藏。 Today, I invited several students to play hide and seek at home. 在游戏开始时,我们必须先决定谁是藏的人,谁是找和抓的人。 At the beginning of the game, we must first decide who is the Tibetan, who is the person to find and catch. “石头,剪子,布! 石头,剪子,布! ”两次下来,输的人是我和一位同学,另外两位同学是赢家,要来找我们的藏身的地方。 "Stone, scissors, cloth! Stone, scissors, cloth! " twice down, the loser is me and a classmate, the other two students are winners, to find our hiding place. 游戏真正开始了。 我想:该藏哪里呢? 我四处张望着。 我看到了房间角落里有一个柜子很大。 我灵机一动,对了,就藏在房间的那边角落里。 已经找到安身地方的我,就不怎么紧张了。 我探出头来看看小刚,他在转来转去,不知道藏在哪里好呢。 他那着急的样子就像热窝上的蚂蚁一样。 看到这个情景,我低声地叫小刚:“小刚,小刚,你过来啊! 藏到我这里啊! ”小刚四处张望,着急地找着我,可就是看不到我一样。 好不容易看见了我挥动的手,他就冲到我身边,马上蹲下来。 The game really started. I thought: where should I hide? I looked around. I saw a big cabinet in the corner of the room. I had an idea. By the way, I hid in the corner of the room. I've found a place to live, so I'm not very nervous. I put my head out to see Xiaogang. He is turning around. I don't know where to hide. He looks like an ant in a hot nest. Seeing this scene, I called Xiaogang in a low voice: "Xiaogang, Xiaogang, come here! Hide here! " Xiaogang looked around and anxiously looked for me, but he could not see me. When he saw my waving hand, he rushed to me and squatted down. 另外两位同学已经从“一”数到“一百”了。 他们开始找人了。 The other two students have counted from "one" to "one hundred". They started looking for people. 我和小刚紧紧地贴着墙,也都憋着气,生怕他们连我们的呼吸声都能听到。 我的心里“怦怦”直跳,我好紧张啊! 旁边的小刚抬头看看我,居然忍不住笑出声来了。 完蛋了,被他们发现了。 我很奇怪小刚为什么会笑,我刚才的样子很好笑吗? Xiao Gang and I are close to the wall, and we are all holding our breath for fear that they can even hear our breath. My heart is pounding. I'm so nervous! Xiao Gang looks up at me and can't help laughing. It's over. They found out. I wonder why Xiaogang laughs. Did I look funny just now? 较后,我们输了,但是我觉得捉迷藏的游戏实在太有趣了。 In the end, we lost, but I think the game of hide and seek is very interesting. 我们接着还玩,这遥,我和小刚是找人的……We continued to play. This time, Xiao Gang and I were looking for someone