丢手绢丁低低……Ding zero上课了,同学们像疯子一样冲出教室,奔向操场。 我呢,还在傻乎乎地背《山行》呢。 After class, the students rushed out of the classroom like crazy people and rushed to the playground. I'm still foolishly reciting "mountain trip". 突然,轩轩说:“上体育课喽! ”我一听,“啪——”把书扔在了桌上,就像野马一样跑到了操场上。 Suddenly, Xuanxuan said, "have a PE class! " As soon as I heard, "pa -" I threw the book on the table and ran to the playground like a wild horse. 老师说:“大家想不想玩儿丢手绢的游戏呀? ”The teacher said, "do you want to play the game of losing your handkerchief? "“想——”同学们异口同声地说。 "Think --" the students said in unison. 同学们唱着《丢手绢》的歌,手拉手围成了一个大圈。 The students sang the song of "losing handkerchief", hand in hand, they formed a big circle. 丁丁开始丢绢,大家都看着他,生怕丁丁丢给自己。 冬冬却在看蝴蝶,结果,丁丁给她丢了手绢。 可是,她还不知道,我悄悄告诉了她。 Ding Ding began to throw silk. Everyone looked at him for fear that Ding Ding would throw it to himself. Dongdong is looking at butterflies. As a result, Ding Ding loses her handkerchief. However, she did not know, I told her quietly. 冬冬开始抓丁丁了。 同学们有的在喊:“冬冬加油! ”有的在喊:“丁丁加油! ”Winter and winter began to catch Ding. Some of the students are shouting, "come on in winter! " Some are shouting: "Ding Ding cheer up! "丢手绢的游戏真好玩儿。 我喜欢这个游戏。 The game of losing a handkerchief is really fun. I like this game.