难忘的奥运会开幕式2008年8月8日,是举世瞩目的日子,因为经过了遥遥长达七年的等待,终于迎来了这梦圆的一刻。 我们一家人满怀期待的坐在电视机前。 August 8, 2008, is a day of world attention, because after seven years of waiting for the Chinese people, finally ushered in this dream moment. Our family sat in front of the TV with great expectation. 奥运会开幕式的设计真是气势磅礴,遥具匠心。 它把遥元素和奥运元素巧妙的结合在一起,当五彩缤纷的烟火在北京上空出现,一个又一个巨大的脚印,一步一步的走向遥,我觉得这是一个充满希望的脚印,这是一个走向遥的脚印。 The design of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is really magnificent and unique. It ingeniously combines Chinese elements with Olympic elements. When the colorful fireworks appear over Beijing, one huge footprint after another, step by step to the bird's nest. I think this is a promising footprint, and this is a footprint to success. 我觉得较有创意的是那位穿红衣小女孩的歌声了,当巨大的画面上出现了一位和我年龄相仿的女孩,她穿着一身艳丽的连衣裙,捧着一束美丽的鲜花,那稚嫩的歌声打动了每一位观众的心,她唱的歌曲是——《歌唱祖国》。 是呀,我们的祖国不正变得越来越强大吗? I think the most creative thing is the song of the little girl in red. When a girl of my age appears on the huge screen, she is wearing a gorgeous dress and holding a bunch of beautiful flowers. The tender song touches the hearts of every audience. Her song is singing "singing the motherland". Yes, isn't our motherland getting stronger and stronger? 我希望奥运决赛中,我国运动员能多拿遥。 I hope our athletes can win more gold medals in the Olympic finals.