有趣的小猫我家有一只黑白相间的小猫,它长得特别瘦,但却有一身油光发亮的毛,用手摸上去软绵绵的。 它的眼睛亮亮的,像一对宝石。 There is a black and white kitten in my house. It is very thin, but it has a shiny fur, which is soft to touch with hands. Its eyes are bright, like a pair of gems. 它可有趣了,整天喵喵叫,特别喜欢咬纸巾玩。 我有空的时候,就拿纸巾逗它玩。 It's interesting. It mews all day long, especially likes to play with paper towels. When I'm free, I play with it with a tissue. 一开始,把纸巾放在它面前,当它快要遥过来的时候。 我就不停的往左往右抖动纸巾,猫也跟着扑过来遥过去。 较后,它会跳起来遥走我手上的纸巾。 At first, put the tissue in front of it, when it was about to grab it. I kept shaking the tissue from left to right, and the cat came and grabbed it. At last, it would jump up and take the tissue from my hand. 哈哈,听了我的介绍,你也喜欢它了吧? Ha ha, after listening to my introduction, do you like it, too?