我和小猪我喜欢猪,你们一定觉得猪又脏又笨吧! 告诉你们:猪比狗还要聪明,管理员教猪和人打招呼,猪一遍就学会,狗要学十遍才会,这是一个很好的例子吧! I like pigs. You must think pigs are dirty and stupid! Tell you: pigs are smarter than dogs. Administrators teach pigs to say hello to people. Pigs learn it once and dogs learn it ten times. This is a good example! 我的外婆家有许多小猪,有遥,我去给猪喂料,它用尾巴摇啊摇,嘴巴发出哄哄的声音,好像在跟我打招呼,我一下子呆住了。 因为我还不知道猪会有人类一样的情感呢! My grandmother's house has many little pigs. Once, I went to feed the pigs. It wagged and wagged its tail, and its mouth made a noisy sound. It seemed to say hello to me, and I froze. Because I didn't know that pigs have the same emotions as humans! 猪有两个又大又尖的朵,鼻子像个圆柱体,四肢细短,尾巴细长,嘴巴藏在鼻子下面。 它的鼻子可以探测地雷,帮助遥寻找遥。 The pig has two big and pointed flowers. Its nose is like a cylinder, its limbs are thin and short, its tail is long and thin, and its mouth is hidden under its nose. Its nose can detect mines and help police find drugs. 猪又可爱又聪明,我真的很喜欢它。 Pig is cute and smart. I really like it.