给爸爸的一封信亲爱的爸爸:Dear dad您好! Hello! 您一直在义乌工作,有时还生了病,您辛苦了。 You have been working in Yiwu. Sometimes you are sick. You have worked hard. 有时,您凶的时候像电闪雷鸣似的,有时,您给我辅导作业很温柔,就像睡在您得怀抱里,还有时,您像遥一样的坚持不懈,拿得起,放得下,这一点我很钦佩您。 Sometimes, when you are fierce, it's like thunder and lightning. Sometimes, you give me a gentle tutoring assignment, like sleeping in your arms. Sometimes, you are as persistent as Pangu. You can take it up and put it down. I admire you very much. 我有一个小要求,希望您能接受:我不懂的地方,希望您耐心教我,当然,这里我要再次对您说:爸爸,您辛苦了! I have a small request, I hope you can accept: where I don't understand, I hope you can teach me patiently. Of course, here I want to say to you again: Dad, you are hard! 明明Mingming2008。 7。 302008. 7. Thirty