写生感受在一个阳光灿烂的星期天,我们少儿画院的小画家们到海边去写生。 我们是在一个八音琴下面遥。 小画家们到齐之后我们就开始画了,有的画八音琴,有的画烟台山上的塔,我画的就是烟台山上面的塔。 画着画着我想起了妈妈给我唱的那首歌,小时候,我听妈妈说,大海就是我故乡。 。 。 。 可好听了! On a sunny Sunday, the little painters of our children's Academy went to the seaside to sketch. We are assembled under an octave. When the painters arrived in Qi Dynasty, we began to draw, some of them were bayinqin, some of them were tower on Yantai Mountain, and I drew tower on Yantai Mountain. When I was a child, I heard my mother say that the sea is my hometown. . . . Good to hear! 我看了看周围的同学,他们好几个都在画八音琴,我又开始专心致志的画起来。 当我快描完边时,我感觉到了海水和海草的香气。 I looked at the students around me. Several of them were drawing Bayin. I began to draw again. When I was almost finished, I felt the fragrance of sea water and seaweed. 时间不觉就到了中午,我非常不舍得离开海边回到了家。 Time didn't know to arrive at noon, I was very reluctant to leave the seaside to return home.