云云有一张会变的脸,Cloud has a changeable face,有时它像羊群,Sometimes it's like a sheep,有时它像棉堆,Sometimes it's like a pile of cotton,有时它像骆驼,Sometimes it's like a camel,有时它像仙女,Sometimes it's like a fairy,有时它像高山,Sometimes it's like a mountain,有时它像海浪,Sometimes it's like a wave,看那蓝蓝的天,Look at the blue sky,白白的云,White clouds,多么亮丽的风景。 What a beautiful view. 可是也有乌云翻卷的时候,But there are also times when dark clouds roll,它告诉我们大风雨就要来了。 It tells us that the storm is coming. 我较喜欢的云是早晨的和傍晚天边的云,My favorite clouds are in the morning and in the evening,那些云被朝阳和夕阳染成了桔遥或红遥。 The clouds were dyed orange or red by the rising and setting sun. 真是光彩夺目,It's brilliant,美丽遥了,Beautiful,这种被染红了的云叫做朝霞和晚霞。 This dyed red cloud is called the morning glow and the evening glow.