我们班的怕痒大遥我们班是一个充满欢声笑语的大集体,为什么呢? 因为我们班有一个“怕痒大遥”。 Our class is a big group full of laughter. Why? Because there is a "ticklish king" in our class. “怕痒大遥”夏靖锋。 别看他长的人高马大,可是有一个致命的弱点—怕痒。 你只要做出一个“搔痒”的动作,他就像兔子见到猎人一样,撒腿就跑。 久而久之,就连我们班较胆小的女生也不怕他了。 "Ticklish king" Xia Jingfeng. Although he is tall and big, he has a fatal weakness - ticklish. You just have to make a "tickle" action, he is like a rabbit to see a hunter, and then run. Over time, even the most timid girl in our class is not afraid of him. “怕痒大遥”给我们班带来了许多欢乐,大家打心眼儿喜欢他! "Ticklish king" has brought a lot of joy to our class. Everyone likes him heart to heart!