攻击蚂蚁遥下午,我和哥哥正闷着。 忽然我看见一群蚂蚁在地面上爬着,一滴水正好落在蚂蚁群上,蚂蚁在水中挣扎着。 我眼睛一亮,想到如果用水冲蚂蚁一定很好玩,而且还可以观察蚂蚁是怎样从水中逃生的呢。 My brother and I are bored this afternoon. Suddenly I saw a group of ants crawling on the ground, a drop of water just fell on the ants, ants struggling in the water. As soon as my eyes brightened, I thought that it would be fun to wash ants with water, and I could also observe how ants escape from the water. 我和哥哥拿了几个装满水的瓶子走向蚂蚁密集的地方。 我用水冲正在爬行的蚂蚁,结果蚂蚁就四处乱窜,死伤无数。 一会儿水被我倒光了,我又去装水往蚂蚁洞里灌水,只见那些蚂蚁望着大水落荒而逃。 有的奄奄一息倒下了,还有的经过顽强的挣扎逃到了安全的地方。 My brother and I took some bottles full of water and walked to the ant colony. I use water to wash the ants that are crawling. As a result, the ants run around, killing and injuring countless people. After a while, the water was emptied by me. I went to fill the ant hole with water again. I saw the ants watching the water running away. Some of them are dying, others are struggling to escape to a safe place. 遥我特别的高兴,因为我消灭了许多蚂蚁,更重要的是我懂得了一个道理:遇到困难不要退缩,只要顽强拼搏就能够战胜困难。 Today, I am very happy because I have eliminated many ants. What's more, I have learned a truth: don't flinch when you meet difficulties, as long as you work hard, you can overcome them.