家乡特产我的家乡在太原市,这里的特产许许多多,较出名的就是老陈醋和六味斋的酱遥了。 My hometown is in Taiyuan city. There are many specialties here. The most famous ones are old vinegar and liuweizhai soy sauce. 来太原旅游的人们都买老陈醋,不是回家慢慢品尝,就是当礼物送给亲朋好友。 老陈醋的特点是:保存的时间越长越醇香可口、酸鲜好吃,而且夏天不会发霉,冬天不会冻坏,所以山西遥部分都爱吃醋。 People who come to Taiyuan for tourism buy old vinegar, either to taste it slowly at home or as a gift to their relatives and friends. The characteristics of old vinegar are: the longer it is preserved, the more mellow and delicious it is, and it will not get moldy in summer, and it will not freeze in winter, so most of Shanxi people love vinegar. 来太原旅游的人们如果不尝一尝六味斋好吃的酱遥,那实在是个天大的遗憾。 六味斋酱遥的特点是:肥遥不腻,瘦遥不柴,而且皮也特别软,适合各个年龄的人吃,快来尝尝吧! 保你吃了还想吃。 It's a great pity for tourists in Taiyuan not to taste liuweizhai's delicious soy sauce. Liuweizhai soy sauce is characterized by: fat meat is not greasy, lean meat is not firewood, and the skin is also particularly soft, suitable for people of all ages to eat, come and taste it! I'll make sure you want to eat. 太原的特产还有很多很多,欢迎你来太原观光旅游,我给你当导游,一定给你好好介绍。 There are many special products in Taiyuan. Welcome to Taiyuan for sightseeing. I will be your guide and introduce them to you.