三八妇女节三八节是遥妇女节,也是我们孩子向妈妈表示感恩的节日,用什么方式来表达对妈妈的爱呢我苦思,妈妈为我付出的劳累,永远也还不清,我想我就用一种非常普通的方式来表达我对妈妈的爱吧。 March 8 is the international women's day, and also the day for our children to express their gratitude to their mothers. How to express their love for their mothers? I think it's hard for my mother to work hard for me. It's never clear. I think I can express my love for my mother in a very common way. 那天,我在家苦苦等待着妈妈下班回家,叮当。 。 。 。 。 。 我飞快跑去开门,看到妈妈一脸疲惫的样子,我忙把妈妈的提包拿住,让妈妈进屋坐下,并为妈妈遥肩膀,又急忙跑进厨房给妈妈倒开水,看到妈妈满脸笑容看着我时,我的心里比蜜还甜。 That day, I was at home waiting for my mother to come home from work. . . . . . I ran to open the door quickly, and saw my mother's tired face. I grabbed her bag, asked her to come in and sit down, massaged her shoulder, ran into the kitchen and poured boiling water for her. When I saw her smiling at me, my heart was sweeter than honey. 虽然这只是一个普通的表达对妈妈的爱的方式,可我从妈妈慈祥的眼神中看到了妈妈的喜悦。 Although it's just a common way to express my love for my mother, I can see her joy from her kind eyes.