好险哪这是一个风和日丽的下午,我们正上班队活动课,老师又在讲关于安全的事,“过马路时,要走斑马线,要一看二慢三通过……”听到这句话,使我不禁想起了几个星期前的事情……This is a sunny afternoon. We are in the activity class of the work team. The teacher is talking about safety again. "When crossing the road, you need to take the zebra crossing. You need to see it first, then go slowly, and then go through it three times. . . " Hearing this sentence reminds me of what happened a few weeks ago那天放学的时候,我和丁娅娅在路边的店门口玩游戏。 天气很热,丁娅娅把外套放在了门口的凳子上。 玩了一会儿,我们就回家了,由于着急,也顾不得走斑马线。 When school was over that day, Dingya and I were playing games at the roadside shop door. It was so hot that Dingya put her coat on the stool at the door. After playing for a while, we went home. Because we were in a hurry, we couldn't take the zebra crossing. 刚走到遥线附近,丁娅娅突然想到了衣服,转身就往回跑。 只听见“嘎”的一声,一辆刚开过来的小汽车紧急刹车,丁娅娅差点就撞倒了。 后面的公共汽车、面包车、小轿车、拖拉机……As soon as she reached the yellow line, Dingya suddenly thought of her clothes and turned to run back. Just heard a "Ga" sound, a car just came to an emergency stop, Dingya almost knocked down. Buses, vans, cars, tractors behind一下子就排成了一条龙。 司机们一个个探出脑袋,只听见骂声:“找死啊! ”好险哪! 我和丁娅娅都吓了一大跳。 All of a sudden, they formed a dragon. One by one, the drivers stuck their heads out, only to hear the swearing: "look for death! " how dangerous! Dingya and I were shocked. “钭凡珂! ”突然,我听到老师叫我的名字,我还没回过神来呢,就马上站了起来回答:“要走斑马线! ”引得教室内哄堂大笑。 All of a sudden, I heard the teacher call my name. Before I could get back to myself, I immediately stood up and replied, "I want to go to the zebra crossing! " which made the classroom laugh.