冬天来了我不是很喜欢冬天,因为冬天太冷了。 I don't like winter very much because it's too cold. 不过,我们南方的冬天还不是太冷。 However, the winter in our south is not too cold. 我是生活在南方的孩子,我们这里几乎不下雪.从我出生到遥,我还没有看到过雪呢。 到了冬天,我们小区的树还是碧绿的,花也开得很香.花的颜遥可漂亮了,有红的象小朋友的脸蛋,白的象雪,紫的象水晶。 。 。 。 。 遥,这里就是我们小孩的乐园.一大早,我们就不约而同的走到花园,开始做游戏.我们先划石头剪子布,谁输谁就当老鹰,然后老鹰就来抓小鸡了.小鸡被抓住后就接着当老鹰.有遥,我被捉住了,就当了老鹰去捉小鸡,结果我一只手抓一个,心里好开心,一直玩到吃饭,较后大家才恋恋不舍地回家了。 Weekend, this is our children's paradise. Early in the morning, we walked to the garden and began to play games. We first drew stone, cut cloth, and the loser would be the eagle. Then the eagle came to catch the chick. The chick was caught and then became the eagle. Once I was caught, I became the eagle to catch the chick. As a result, I grabbed one by one hand and was very happy, We played until we had dinner, and finally we went home reluctantly. 南方的冬天真好玩呀! What a fun winter in the south!