台风来了因为有台风我们学校宣布放假。 奶奶来接我时,下起了倾盆大雨。 我和奶奶合用一把伞,好不容易到车站,回到家后我和奶奶的衣服都打湿了。 爸爸开车去接妈妈,他说,外面雨下的很大,就象瀑布中开车一样。 前面的路也看不清楚,别人的车都开着车灯,象在晚上一样。 爸爸把刮雨器开到较大才能看得清楚。 Our school declared a holiday because of the typhoon. When grandma came to pick me up, it rained cats and dogs. My grandmother and I share an umbrella. We finally got to the station. When we got home, our grandma and I got wet. Dad drove to pick up mom. He said it rained heavily outside, just like driving in a waterfall. I can't see the road ahead clearly. Everyone else's car lights are on, just like at night. Dad can't see clearly until he turns the wiper to the maximum. 妈妈说这次台风很厉害。 她打电话给外公,叫他到宁海来,不要一个人在乡下。 打电话给小舅舅,叫他不要在外面出差。 打电话给大舅舅,叫他把商场的家具搁高一点。 Mother said the typhoon was very severe. She called her grandfather and told him to come to Ninghai instead of being alone in the country. Call my uncle and tell him not to go out on business. Call my uncle and ask him to raise the furniture in the mall. 奶奶出去把晚上和明天的菜都买来了,爸爸妈妈准备了矿灯,蜡烛,和两大桶水,说台风来了要停电停水。 Grandma went out to buy the evening and tomorrow's dishes. Mom and dad prepared miner's lamps, candles, and two buckets of water. They said that the typhoon would cut off the power and water supply. 晚上爸爸去值班了,家里只剩下我、妈妈和奶奶。 我们等着台风的到来。 到了晚上八点钟台风还没有来,妈妈叫我到遥上去看书。 到了八点半,台风还是没有来,我就睡觉了。 In the evening, my father went on duty, and there was only me, my mother and my grandmother at home. We are waiting for the typhoon. At eight o'clock in the evening, before the typhoon came, my mother told me to go to bed and read. At half past eight, the typhoon didn't come, so I went to sleep. 到了第二天,发现爸爸回来了,他在呼呼大睡,昨天他一定很累。 发现小区地上有很多落叶和没有干的雨水。 我想台风真的来过了。 The next day, I found my father came back. He was sleeping. He must have been very tired yesterday. It is found that there are a lot of leaves and no dry rain on the plot. I think the typhoon really came.