蜜蜂与蝴蝶在一片茂密的花丛中,一群小蜜蜂正在采蜜,它们从这朵花蕊钻出来,又匆匆地钻到那朵花蕊里去。 一只蝴蝶看到了,舞动着美丽的彩裙,飞到花丛中,对一只小蜜蜂说:“喂,你瞎忙什么呀? 怎么连头都不抬一下? ”In a dense flower cluster, a group of small bees are picking honey. They come out of this flower core and rush to that one. A butterfly saw it, dancing a beautiful colorful skirt, flew into the flowers, and said to a little bee, "Hey, what are you doing? Why don't you even lift your head? "小蜜蜂说:“我正在给花授粉呢! 这样,到了秋天,花儿才能结出丰硕的果实啊! ”"I'm pollinating the flowers," said the little bee. "So in autumn, the flowers will bear rich fruits. "蝴蝶笑道:“多美的花儿! 你应该像我一样,看看这五颜六遥的花,跳跳动人的芭蕾舞,好好地享受生活,何必这么拼命劳动呢? ”Butterfly said with a smile, "what beautiful flowers! You should look at these colorful flowers like me, dance a moving ballet and enjoy life. Why do you work so hard? "小蜜蜂说:“其实,我们帮这些花儿授粉,也是帮我们自己,我们把花粉带回家,酿成香甜的蜜,到了冬天就不愁没有吃的,这可是两全其美的事啊! ”The little bee said, "in fact, we help these flowers pollinate, but also help ourselves. We take the pollen home and make sweet honey. In winter, we don't worry about what we don't eat. This is the best of both worlds. "蝴蝶不屑地说:“你成天采蜜、劳动,难道不觉得没意思吗? 你看我们蝴蝶,从来都不劳动,还不是遥受到人们的赞扬,来和我们一起玩吧! ”The butterfly said scornfully, "don't you think it's boring to gather honey and work all day long? You see, we butterflies never work and are not praised by people. Come and play with us! "小蜜蜂答道:“你这样不行,等到了冬天,你们会挨饿的。 ”The little bee replied, "you can't do this. In winter, you will starve. "蝴蝶不听劝,仍就舞动着她漂亮的翅膀,跳着欢快地舞飞走了。 Butterfly did not listen to advice, still dancing her beautiful wings, dancing away happily. 转眼,冬天到了。 小蜜蜂回到蜂巢里,吃着自己采回来的蜜,可蝴蝶没有吃的,被活活地饿死了。 In a flash, winter is here. The little bee went back to the hive and ate the honey he had collected, but the butterfly didn't eat it and was starved to death.