夸家乡我的家乡在遥材,那是一个古老的小镇,有闻名遥的遥材水库。 有遥的炭河里西周文化遗址,有千年奇观千佛洞,还有世界遥的四羊方尊.My hometown is in Huangcai, which is an old town, with a famous reservoir of Huangcai in China. There are famous cultural sites of the Western Zhou Dynasty in the tanhe River, the thousand year wonder thousand Buddha cave, and the world famous four sheep square Buddha我的家乡到了春天,到处绿油油的,很美丽.夏天到处稻子在成长,一派丰收的景象.秋天果子熟了,山上到处都是野果.My hometown is green and beautiful in spring. In summer, rice is growing everywhere. It's a scene of harvest. In autumn, the fruit is ripe and the mountain is full of wild fruit我的家乡很美丽,我爱我的家乡.My hometown is very beautiful. I love it