抓小鱼遥,爸爸拿着鱼网,带我去公园抓小鱼。 Today, my father took the net and took me to the park to catch small fish. 到了公园,爸爸神神秘秘地把我拉到了一个地方,那里有一片茂密的竹林,一个清澈的池塘。 池塘里许许多多的小鱼在欢快地游来游去。 爸爸轻声地说“就在这里抓小鱼。 ”When I arrived at the park, my father mysteriously pulled me to a place where there was a thick bamboo forest and a clear pond. There are many small fish swimming around happily in the pond. Dad said softly, "catch the little fish here. "于是,我卷起袖子,拿起鱼网,一捞,什么也没捞着。 第二次,我扒在地上对准小鱼一捞,唉! 捞着了三片枯树叶。 第三次,我跪在地上迅速地一捞,哈哈! 这次终于捞上了两条小鱼。 我把小鱼放进杯子里,再放了一点水,我仔细地观察了一会儿,
发现,小鱼的眼睛比芝麻还小,透明的鱼鳍不停地在动,看都看不清。 忽然,我想起了小鱼是需要遥的,是属于大自然的,我就依依不舍地把它们放了。