音乐喷泉星期天,爸爸妈妈带我游牡丹园。 我们来到小山上,远远看到一处喷泉,就赶紧跑了过去。 On Sunday, my parents took me to the peony garden. When we came to the hill, we saw a fountain in the distance, so we ran to it. 这些喷泉喷得真高呀,喷起的水柱来有三层楼那么高! 她还会随着音乐的变化,一会儿高一会低。 风一吹,喷上去的水散开了,像瀑布一样洒在湖遥,溅起层层水花,可漂亮了! These fountains are so high. The water column is three stories high! She's going to go up and down with the music. As soon as the wind blows, the water is scattered, like a waterfall in the middle of the lake, splashing layers of water, which is beautiful! 在大喷泉的下面,有许多转着喷的小喷泉,只有一米多高,像栅栏一样,可好玩了! Under the big fountain, there are many small rotating fountains, only one meter high, like fences, which are fun! 我和妈妈在旁边照了一张像,作为留念。 My mother and I took a picture beside as a souvenir.