游牡丹园星期天,爸爸妈妈和我去牡丹园游玩。 牡丹园门口,各种菊花组成了一个大花坛,悬崖菊摆成的孔雀像是在欢迎游客的到来。 On Sunday, my parents and I went to the peony garden. At the entrance of the peony garden, all kinds of chrysanthemums make up a big flower bed. The peacock made of cliff chrysanthemums seems to welcome tourists. 进入牡丹园,我们简直是进入了菊花的海洋。 菊花有的象个半球、有的象向日葵、有的象绣球、还有的象绽放的礼花。 菊花的颜遥丰富多彩:粉的似霞、遥的如金、白的象雪,十分美丽。 它们你挨着我、我挤着你,是那样亲热,每当秋风吹来,就散发出淡淡的菊香。 Entering the peony garden, we just entered the sea of chrysanthemums. Some chrysanthemums are like a hemisphere, some are like sunflowers, some are like hydrangeas, and some are like blooming fireworks. The color of chrysanthemum is rich and colorful: pink like Xia, yellow like gold, white like snow, very beautiful. They are close to me and I squeeze you. They are so intimate. When the autumn wind blows, they send out a light chrysanthemum fragrance. 我们还在草地上捉蚂蚱、在广场上看音乐喷泉,玩得可高兴了! We are still catching grasshoppers on the grass and watching music fountains in the square. We have a good time!