金牛我和妈妈抓了一只金牛。 My mother and I caught a Taurus. 它浑身都是黑遥的。 翅膀上有许多小白点,头上长着两只长长的犄角,好像小女孩头上扎着的两只小辫子。 眼睛和身体的颜遥遥,不仔细看根本看不到,嘴巴像一把钳子。 它还长着六只又细又长的脚,脚尖毛茸茸的,爬到手上又痛又痒。 一不小心还会被钳子嘴咬伤。 于是,我把它放到透明的盒子里观察它的一举一动。 看到它一直不停地爬来爬去很孤单也很可怜。 我想它的爸爸妈妈和朋友找不到它肯定很着急。 It's black all over. There are many little white spots on the wings, and two long horns on the head, like two little braids tied on the little girl's head. The eyes are as like as two peas in the body. They can't be seen without looking at them. It also has six long and thin feet. Its toes are hairy. It hurts and itches when it climbs on its hands. If you are not careful, you will be bitten by the jaws of pliers. So I put it in a transparent box and watched it. It's lonely and pathetic to see it crawling all the time. I think his parents and friends must be worried that they can't find him. 较后,我决定把它放回大自然,让它在那里遥自在、快快乐乐地生活! Finally, I decided to put it back to nature and let it live freely and happily there!