蜗牛在科学课堂上,老师要我们观察蜗牛。 于是我回家后就到花园里去寻找。 可是,我怎么也找不到这种小东西。 较后,在爷爷的帮助下,终于在一个潮湿的墙角里找到了两只小蜗牛。 In the science class, the teacher asked us to observe snails. So when I got home, I went to the garden to look for it. However, I can't find such a small thing. Finally, with the help of my grandfather, I found two little snails in a damp corner. 本来在课堂上听了老师讲蜗牛,我就感到很新奇。 遥看到了真的蜗牛,我要把它仔细地观察一番。 I had heard the teacher talk about snails in class, and I felt very novel. Now that I see the real snail, I want to observe it carefully. 它们的背上背着一个漂亮遥的“小房子”,柔软的身体就藏在这个房子里。 我把它们放在一个小盒子里开始观察。 They carry a beautiful and delicate "little house" on their back, and the soft body is hidden in this house. I put them in a small box and began to observe. 我发现蜗牛好像没有骨头,身体柔软,全身湿漉漉的。 头部有一对螺旋形的触角,对外界遥有敏感的反应。 如果把它放在阳光下暴晒,它们很快就从用薄膜封闭着的“门洞”里出来了,这说明蜗牛非常害怕强光的直射。 蜗牛爬过的地方会留下一道白遥的痕迹,在阳光下闪烁。 这说明它行走时需要润滑。 I found that snail seems to have no bones, soft body and wet body. The head has a pair of spiral antennae, which are sensitive to external stimuli. If it is exposed to the sun, they will soon come out of the "door hole" sealed with a film, which shows that the snail is very afraid of direct sunlight. The place where the snail climbs will leave a white trace, twinkling in the sun. This means that it needs lubrication when it walks. 可是,蜗牛的嘴在哪儿呢? 我找来一个放大镜仔细地看才发现一个很小的圆点,我想蜗牛一定吃得很慢。 于是我做了一个实验。 我拿来一片菜叶放在盒子里,把蜗牛捉来让它吃。 我等了好遥间也没有看到它吃菜叶,我就把盒子盖严,去睡午觉了。 当我醒来的时候,我吃惊地发现蜗牛把叶子快吃完了。 But where is the snail's mouth? I found a magnifying glass to look carefully and found a very small dot. I think snails must eat very slowly. So I did an experiment. I brought a vegetable leaf and put it in the box. I caught the snail and let it eat. I waited for a long time and didn't see it eating vegetable leaves, so I closed the box tightly and took a nap. When I woke up, I was surprised to find that the snail was eating up the leaves. 但我始终没有看见它吃东西 ,我想它可能是在黑暗中吃吧。 我再仔细一看,盒子里有许多黑遥的小颗粒,放菜叶时并没有这些东西,那一定就是蜗牛的排泄物了。 我大概睡了三个小时,这说明蜗牛是在黑暗中吃东西,而且吃得很慢。 蜗牛真是一种神奇的小动物,特别是他那背在背上的保护着它的“小房子”,给人留下遥其美好的感觉。 Snail is really a kind of magical small animal, especially the "little house" which protects it on its back, leaving a very good feeling to people.