走滩涂这是我第四次游西湾,可是这次的经历与前几次大不相同哦! This is my fourth trip to Xiwan, but this experience is quite different from the previous ones! 下午三点四十分左右,我们五家人驱车来到西湾大坝附近。 下了车,我一眼望去,只见一大片无边无际的滩涂,滩涂中间耸立着一个“小小岛”。 大家迫不及待地脱掉鞋子、长裤,准备向“小小岛”出发。 At about 3:40 p. m. , our five families drove to Xiwan dam. When I got off the bus, I saw a vast expanse of boundless beach with a "small island" standing in the middle. We can't wait to take off our shoes and trousers and prepare to set off for the "little island". 我遥个跳进滩涂,烂泥巴溅起老高老高。 烂泥巴就像融化了的“德芙”巧克力,是那样的柔滑、软粘。 脚踩进去,深深地陷下去,随着我们的前进,滩涂上留下一串串大大小小的脚印。 I was the first to jump into the beach, splashed with mud. Rotten mud is like melted "Dove" chocolate, which is so soft and sticky. Step in and sink deeply. As we move forward, a series of footprints, big and small, are left on the beach. 正当我们“拖泥带水”艰难地走着,突然通通弟弟“咚”地一声“栽”倒在泥地里,变成了一个活生生的“小泥人”。 大家看见他这摸样都笑得前俯后仰。 Just as we "drag the mud and water" hard to walk, suddenly Tong Tong's younger brother "Dong" to "plant" in the mud, and become a living "little clay man". Everyone looked up and down when they saw him. 一路上,我发现许多“小洞洞”。 我知道里面肯定有小螃蟹,于是立刻“开工”,一连挖出了好几只小螃蟹。 Along the way, I found many "little holes". I knew there must be some crabs in it, so I immediately "started" and dug out several crabs in a row. 突然,前方几百米处的海水涨潮了,汹涌的海水以想不到的速度向我们“滚来”。 大人们经过紧急商量,我们决定以较快的速度“撤退”到山上。 在“逃难”的过程中,我差点摔倒了,幸亏用手把身体支撑住才没摔倒,可是我的衣服却成了一件“泥巴服”。 我们逃上岸没多久,潮水就把滩涂淹没了。 真是好险呀! Suddenly, hundreds of meters ahead of the sea rose, surging water at an unexpected speed to us "roll. ". After urgent discussion, we decided to "retreat" to the mountain as soon as possible. In the process of "escape", I almost fell down. Fortunately, I didn't fall down until I supported my body with my hands, but my clothes became a "mud suit". It wasn't long before we got ashore that the tide flooded the beach. How dangerous it is! 这次走滩涂真是又遥又惊险! It's exciting and thrilling to walk on the beach this time!