打雪仗真好玩凉爽的秋天过去了,就走进了寒冷的冬天。 The cool autumn has passed, and it has entered the cold winter. 一天早晨,我吃好早饭,出去玩,我一开门,一看,天上落下了美丽的雪花,飘到我面前,我把哥哥和姐姐都叫到了我家门口。 One morning, I had breakfast and went out to play. As soon as I opened the door, I saw that there were beautiful snowflakes falling in the sky, floating in front of me. I called my brother and sister to my door. 我们开始打雪仗了:首先我们在地上挖了个坑,是专门用来放雪球的。 我把雪球全部捏好了,当我要把雪球扔向姐姐的时候,哥哥居然先朝我扔了过来。 我又堆了一堵雪墙——是挡住雪球的特殊设施。 姐姐和哥哥都把雪球扔向我,可都打不中我。 该我出手了,我把雪球扔了一半,哥哥被我打中了。 哥哥气红了脸,他把全部雪球滚成一个大雪球,扔向我的雪墙。 糟糕! 我的雪墙被哥哥打破了,哥哥哈哈大笑。 我可气死了。 我和姐姐把所有的雪球扔向他,这下完了,哥哥没有了雪球,他被遥了,我和姐姐胜利了! 哥哥垂头丧气地认了输。 We started snowball fights: first we dug a hole in the ground for snowballs. I pinched all the snowballs. When I was going to throw them to my elder sister, my elder brother threw them at me first. I built another snow wall - a special device to block the snowball. My elder sister and elder brother both threw snowballs at me, but they couldn't hit me. It's my turn. I threw the snowball in half. I hit my brother. Brother's face was red with anger. He rolled all the snowballs into a big snowball and threw it at my snow wall. Too bad! My brother broke my snow wall, and he laughed. I'm so angry. My sister and I threw all the snowballs at him. It was over. My brother had no snowballs. He was knocked down. My sister and I won! My brother conceded defeat with despondency. 哟,打雪仗真好玩! Yo, snowball fights are fun!