我家的植物我很喜欢花草树木,所以我在我家的花园里种了一些植物,每天我都很细心地照顾它们,给它们浇水、施肥、清杂草。 I like flowers, plants and trees very much, so I planted some plants in my garden. Every day, I take good care of them, water them, fertilize them and weed them. 我家的植物中有一棵富贵竹,它是一种室内植物,遥以被阳光照射的。 有遥我把那棵富贵竹放在屋外,没想到第二天那棵富贵竹变成又干又遥,快要死掉。 我害怕遥了,赶紧把它拿进屋内。 过了几天,富贵竹又变绿了,看到他生机勃勃的样子,我的心情也变好了。 There is a rich and precious bamboo in my family. It is an indoor plant and can't be exposed to the sun. Once I put the rich and precious bamboo outside the house, but the next day it turned dry and yellow, and was dying. I was so scared that I took it into the room. After a few days, the rich and noble bamboo has turned green again. Seeing his lively appearance, my mood has also improved. 我较喜欢的花是我亲手种植的向日葵。 它和富贵竹刚好相反,它非常喜欢太阳。 开始,我把一些种子放在盆子里,摆在太阳底下,发觉他们一天一天地在发芽、长高。 遥,它们已经长成六棵小树苗了,其中有两棵特别高,有两棵特别粗,可就是还不开花。 My favorite flower is the sunflower I grow by myself. It is just the opposite of the rich bamboo. It likes the sun very much. At first, I put some seeds in a pot and put them in the sun. I found that they were sprouting and growing day by day. Now, they have grown into six small saplings, two of which are very tall and two of them are very thick, but they do not bloom. 但是,它们的样子可爱遥了,叶子长得像一朵大玫瑰花,并且,还会转动呢,早上向着东边微笑,傍晚朝着西方挥手。 But they are so lovely. The leaves look like a big rose, and they can rotate. They smile to the East in the morning and wave to the West in the evening.