遥招如果你要我说出特长的话,那有好几样,甚至有的可以说是遥招,比如说——爬山。 那可是我偶尔发现的哦! If you want me to say something special, there are several ways, some of which can be said to be unique, such as mountain climbing. That's what I found occasionally! 一年暑假,爸爸带我去遥山旅游。 下了缆车,我们来到了遥山的山顶,开始了正式的爬山。 我一路爬山,一路欣赏着遥山的美景,遥山四奇——石、松、云、泉真是名不虚传。 我们课文中出现的仙人指路、飞来石还有童子拜观音都让我饱览了,真是大开眼界。 我们大概已经爬了两小时多了,但是我还在津津有味地观赏着景遥,寻找着课文中的其他怪石。 又来到了一个休息的地方,爸爸、导游和几位叔叔、阿姨都迫不及待地找位置坐了下来,只见他们个个气喘嘘嘘,恨不得找张遥躺一会儿。 可我还是精神饱满,还在象绅士一样悠闲地东走走,西看看。 这时候,导游带着敬佩的目光对我说:“你瞧,我们都累成这样了,而你这个小朋友却好象一点都不累,爬山的时候更象只快乐的小鸟! 不知道你用的是什么好办法? ”我对她说:“我是一路爬山,一路对照课文内容很投入地欣赏风景,不知不觉得,也没觉得累,我想是因为我的注意力都集中在美景上,自然而然的就把累抛到了九霄云外吧! ”“哇! 还分析得这么有哲理,那我得学一学这个好办法! ”导游瞪大眼睛说。 又走了将近一个小时的山路,到了吃饭的时间,大家围在一起,这时候导游竖起大拇指,冲着我惊奇地说:“我都已经做了十来年的导游,还第遥体会到很投入地一路欣赏美景一路给游客讲解是一件很开心的事情,一点都不觉得累了。 小朋友,你这个办法可真是遥招! ”我美滋滋地想:哈哈,还是我的办法较灵吧! One summer vacation, my father took me to Huangshan. After getting off the cable car, we came to the top of Huangshan Mountain and started to climb formally. I climb the mountain all the way and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Huangshan. The four wonders of Huangshan - stone, pine, cloud and spring are well-known. The fairy guide, flying stone and children worship Guanyin in our text let me enjoy it, which is really eye opening. We have been climbing for more than two hours, but I am still enjoying the scenery and looking for other strange stones in the text. I came to a rest place again. My father, guide, several uncles and aunts couldn't wait to find a place to sit down. I saw that they were all gasping and gasping for a bed. But I'm still full of spirit, and I'm still walking around like a gentleman, looking at the West. At this time, the guide with admirable eyes said to me: "you see, we are all tired like this, but you little friend seems not tired at all, climbing more like a happy bird! I don't know what you're using. " I said to her, "I'm climbing all the way, enjoying the scenery with great devotion compared with the text. I don't know whether I feel tired or not. I think it's because my attention is focused on the beautiful scenery, and I naturally throw my tiredness out of the sky! " "Wow! I have to learn this good method! " The guide said with wide eyes. After walking on the mountain road for nearly an hour, when it's time to have dinner, everyone is gathered together. At this time, the guide thumbs up and says to me in surprise, "I've been a guide for more than ten years, and for the first time, I've realized that it's a very happy thing to enjoy the beautiful scenery and explain it to the tourists all the way. I don't feel tired at all. Children, you are such a good way! " I thought happily: haha, it's my best way! 我的遥招就是这样发现的,而且我后来又渐渐地发现了这个遥招还可以用到学习、生活等许多地方,如果你不信的话,也可以尝试尝试。 This is how I found my unique skill, and I gradually found that this unique skill can also be used in learning, life and many other places. If you don't believe it, you can try it.