新春对联赛新年到了,家家户户门前都贴着不同内容的对联,用对联表达不同的心声,就象是一场别开生面的对联赛。 When the new year comes, couplets with different contents are pasted in front of every house. Using couplets to express different opinions is like a new league match. 奶奶家住在农村,春节去奶奶家过年,但今年可不同往年了,遥农村修了公路,家家户户装了电话,通了自来水,也住上了新楼房,从对联上就可以看出他们幸福的生活,奶奶家的对联是:“过新年住新房前程锦绣,通公路架水管春风得意”,横批是:“和谐社会”。 Granny's family lives in the countryside. They go to granny's family for the Spring Festival, but this year is different from the previous years. Now, roads have been built in the countryside, families have installed telephones, connected with running water, and live in new buildings. From the couplet, we can see their happy life. The couplet of granny ' Hui. "我的舅舅在南方工作,过年回家时,因为南方遇到了遥的雪灾封了路,途中堵了好几天车,当地遥和素不相识的人给了他很多帮助,舅舅用新年对联表达了他的心情:“冰雪无遥有情,万众一心抗冰冻”,横批是:“情暖人间”。 My uncle works in the south. When he returns home for the new year, he is blocked by the rare snow disaster in the south. The local government and strangers give him a lot of help. His uncle expresses his mood with the new year couplet: "there is no love in ice and snow, all people fight against freezing", and the horizontal inscription is "warm love". 今年是奥运年,为了庆祝奥运会的到来,我们家的对联是:“百年梦想终成真,福娃送来奥运年”,横批是“祝福奥运”。 This year is the Olympic year. In order to celebrate the coming of the Olympic Games, the couplet of our family is: "one hundred year dream will come true, Fuwa will bring the Olympic year", and the horizontal inscription is "blessing the Olympic Games".