我们的六一我们的六一,Our 61,是快乐的六一,是幸福的六一。 It's a happy 61. It's a happy 61. 花儿在微笑,Flowers are smiling,鸟儿在歌唱,Birds are singing,我们欢喜的与鸟儿一同歌唱! We are happy to sing with the birds! 汶川的朋友,Friends of Wenchuan,你们好吗? How are you? 让风儿带着我的祝福,Let the wind with my blessing,来到你们的身边。 Come to you. 你们的坚强,Your strength,你们的斗志,Your fighting spirit,鼓舞着我,Inspiring me,感染者我。 Infected me. 相信灾难会过去,Believing that the disaster will pass,相信明天会更好,I believe tomorrow will be better,相信我们能快乐的度过六一。 I believe that we can spend 61 happily. 天永远是蓝蓝的,The sky is always blue,阳光永远照亮大地,The sun always shines on the earth,幸福的花朵永远在我们心中遥! The flowers of happiness will always open in our hearts!